
工业代谢分析方法在企业节能减排中的应用 被引量:9

Application of Industrial Metabolism in Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction for Enterprise
摘要 本文以工业代谢分析方法为基础,结合企业节能减排的特点,给出了企业工业代谢分析的方法和步骤。以资源效率、能源效率和环境效率作为企业节能减排效果的评价指标,衡量企业的生态化水平。并以某钢铁企业为实例,编制企业物料收支平衡表,理清了输入、输出该企业的资源、能源、产品、副产品和废品的种类及数量,弄清了哪些副产品、废品被丢弃,哪些被利用,指出了该企业在节能减排工作中存在的问题。以此为基础,从加强余热资源回收、提高能源效率;实施清洁生产、降低副产品、废品产生量;加强企业内部物质循环、降低污染物排放量;构建企业间物质循环,拓宽副产品、废品资源化渠道;建立废钢产业、提高废钢使用量等五个方面提出具体的节能减排措施。 The paper is based on the industrial metabolism, combining the manufacturing characteristics of enterprise, giving analysis method and approach of industrial metabolism for an enterprise. These resource efficiency, energy efficiency and environmental efficiency were regarded as index of energy saving and pollution reduction for enterprise to appraise the ecology level of enterprise. By using the data of a steel enterprise, it was analyzed by means of industrial metabolism as an example. First of all, analyzing the enterprise' s production status, collecting various kinds of relevant manufacturing data, and clarifying the inputs and outputs of these material flows for the enterprise. Secondly, converting to the materials' amount which input enterprises into the natural resource amount (such as iron ore amount), and it is quality units to unify the measurement units of different materials. Then, calculating the amounts of input of natural resources and recycling resources into the enterprise, and output of byproducts and wastes from the enterprise. Finally, working out an input/output balance table of the enterprise, counting kinds and amounts of resources, energy, product and waste, clarifying which by products, waste are abandoned or utilized, pointing out the question existing in the work of energy saving and pollution reduction for the enterprise. It can be seen by analyzing that it was 1.457 ton/ton that the energy efficiency value was the highest; It was 0.455 ton/ton that resource efficiency is the minimum; It was 0.530 ton/ton that environmental efficiency to resource efficiency were slightly high in the enterprise. Its main reason lain in only there were 15.73% byproducts and wastes that were used by downstream enterprises or the process in this enterprise, remaining 84.27% had not been utilized, and entered into the environment. So, it was relatively low to cause the resource efficiency and environmental efficiency. In addition, the manufacturing in the enterprise nearly totally depended on natural resources, they account for 99.9% of amount of input resources, only 0.1% recycling resources (such as steel scrap) was reused. It was an important reason to causes a weak of resource and environment efficiency too. Based on this, five measures of energy saving and pollution reduction are given such as improving energy efficiency by strengthening recycling of remaining energy; decreasing amount of byproduct and waste by implementing cleaner production, reducing emission of waste by the material recycling within enterprise, enlarging recycling channel of the byproduct and waste by setting up the material recycling among enterprises; strengthening the reclamation of steel scrap by setting up steel scrap industry, etc.
作者 戴铁军
出处 《资源科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期703-711,共9页 Resources Science
基金 北京市自然科学基金(编号:9092001) 北京市重点学科"资源 环境及循环经济"交叉学科资助(编号:033000514203)
关键词 节能减排 工业代谢 收支平衡 企业 清洁生产 物质循环 Energy saving and pollution reduction Industrial metabolism Input/output balance enterprise Cleaner production Material cycling
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