
水泥窑共处置污染土壤的污染排放研究 被引量:21

Pollution emission of co-processing polluted soil in a cement kiln
摘要 以被DDT和六六六污染的土壤为研究对象,开展了利用水泥窑进行共处置的工程试验研究,分析了共处置过程对尾气排放的影响。结果表明,水泥窑共处置对农药污染物的焚毁去除率很高,DDT达到99.99991%,六六六达到99.99964%,均高于我国危险废物焚烧炉规定99.99%的焚烧效率;与空白处理相比,尾气排放中有机污染物(包括二恶英/呋喃,简称PCDD/F、多氯联苯PCB、六氯苯HCB、挥发性有机物VOC)、酸性气体和重金属的排放在共处置过程中没有显著增加,且都低于相应的规定限值。试验结果表明,水泥窑共处置固体废物不会导致污染负荷的增加。 A project test was processed to analyze the effects of co-processing polluted soil ( which was polluted by dichlorodiphenyl trichloroethane and benzene hexachloride, DDT and BHC in short respectively) on exhaust emission in a cement kiln. The results showed that the sufficient destruction efficiency (DE) and destruction and removal efficiency (DRE) value were both high, the DRE value of DDT was greater than 99. 99991% while that of BHC was greater than 99. 99964% , both of them were higher than the regulated DRE value of hazardous waste incinerator in China. Compared with control experiment, organic micropollutants (including PCDD/ F, PCB, HCB, VOC), acid gas and heavy metals in exhaust gas while incinerated polluted soil were not in- creased significantly and all test values were well below the emission limit values. In conclusion, co-processing technology of cement kiln will not cause environmental problems.
出处 《环境工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期891-896,共6页 Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering
基金 “十一五”国家科技支撑计划项目(2007BAC16B032006BAC02A19)
关键词 水泥窑 共处置 农药污染土壤 焚毁去除率 cement kiln co-processing polluted soil DRE
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