
汕头市郊某地人群体内1-羟基萘、2-羟基萘和1-羟基芘暴露研究 被引量:17

A Study on Using 1-hydroxynathalene,2-hydroxynathalene and 1-hydroxypyrene as Biomarkers for Non-occupational Exposure to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Shantou
摘要 目的以尿中1-羟基萘(1-OHN)、2-羟基萘(2-OHN)和1-羟基芘(1-OHP)为生物标志物,评价汕头市郊普通人群体内多环芳烃(PAHs)暴露水平,探讨各代谢物间的相关性及吸烟对其浓度的影响。方法2005年8月选择汕头市郊3个自然村[Y(1n=14)、Y(2n=13)和Y(3n=30)],随机采集尿液,以固相萃取-高效液相串联质谱(LC-MS/MS)分析了尿中1-OHN、2-OHN和1-OHP的水平。结合问卷调查表统计分析吸烟对1-OHN、2-OHN和1-OHP浓度的影响。结果尿中PAHs浓度水平依次为2-OHN>1-OHN>1-OHP。Y1、Y2和Y3的1-OHN的浓度中位数分别为1.42、0.56和2.56μmol/mol肌酐,2-OHN为5.30、2.79和8.70μmol/mol肌酐,1-OHP为0.33、0.26和0.76μmol/mol肌酐。由于吸烟的影响,家庭主妇体内PAH暴露水平显著低于男性,吸烟对3种代谢物均有影响,但对2-OHN的影响尤为明显。2-OHN和总羟基萘(∑OHN)的相关性良好(r=0.978,P<0.01),且2-OHN/∑OHN与其它职业暴露研究结果明显不同。结论汕头该采样点人群体内PAHs暴露水平较高,已达到国外职业暴露水平,环境污染和吸烟是影响研究对象1-OHN、2-OHN和1-OHP浓度升高的主要因素。 Objective Urinary l-hydroxynathalene, 2-hydrexynathalene (1- OHN, 2-OHN) and l-hydroxypyrene (I-OHP) were used as the biomarkers to assess the exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) of the general population in the rural areas of Shantou. The correlation between the PAHs metabolites and the influence of smoking were discussed in this study. Methods The urine samples of rLtral inhabitants of Shantou (Y1, Y2 and Y3 county) were collected in August, 2005. Solid phase extraction (SPE) was exerted to clean up the samples, and then the urinary concentrations of 1-OHN, 2-OHN and 1-OHP were determined by high performance liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Statistical analysis combination with questionaires was developed to analyze the influence of smoking. Results The urinary concentrations were 2-OHN〉1-OHN〉1-OHP in terms. The median for Y1, Y2 and Y3 county were 1.42, 0.56 and 2.56umol/mol creatinine for 1-OHN, 5.30, 2.79 and 8.70 umo]/mol creatinine for 2-OHN, 0.33, 0.26 and 0.76umol/mol creatinine for 1-OHP,respectively. Due to the effect of smoking the PAH exposure level of female was lower than that of male. Smoking had positive effects on PAHs exposure, especially for 2-OHN. 2-OHN and ∑OHN had good correlation (r=0.978, P〈0.01). And the 2-OHN/∑OHN was distinctively different to the other occupational exposure reports. Conclusion The internal exposure levels of PAHs for the investigated population in Shantou (Y1, Y2 and Y3 county) was higher, similar to the foreign occupational internal exposure level. And the environmental background and smoking were the main factors which had effects on the concentrations of 1-OHN, 2-OHN and 1-OHP.
出处 《环境与健康杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期388-391,共4页 Journal of Environment and Health
基金 中科院知识创新项目(KZCX2-YW-403)
关键词 空气污染 多环芳烃 1-羟基萘 2-羟基萘 1-羟基芘 暴露 Air pollution Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 1-hydroxynathalene 2-hydroxynathalene, 1-hydroxypyrene Exposure
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