用三维设计软件Solid Works进行产品设计开发过程中,为了实现设计意义上的变量化绘图和系列化设计,有必要对Solid Works进行本地化的二次开发.介绍了Solid Works的应用程序接口(application programminginterface,API)函数的使用方法,并结合门式起重机端梁的开发实例,阐述了利用Visual C++编程环境对Solid-Works进行二次开发,根据产品设计计算的参数动态地改变模型零件尺寸,实现产品变量化设计、三维建模绘图的思想和方法.本方法中Solid Works与VC++相结合,减少了编程工作量,能够有效提高产品的设计开发效率,对于开发系列化产品设计软件具有重要参考价值.
For variable drawing and serial design during product development, it is imperative to redevelop the localized 3D design software, i.e. SolidWorksTM. Firstly, the adaptation of SolidWorks APITM to end beam design is conducted on a gantry crane. In particular, such programming environment as Visual C++^TM is provided for secondary development of SolidWorksTM. Then, part dimensions can be dynamically changed with design parameters. This enables product design in 3D variable modeling. In the end, the integration of SolidWorks^TM and VC ++^TM will reduce programming workload, enhance product development efficiency, and thereafter facilitate software development in serial product design.
Chinese Journal of Construction Machinery