

Is the Netherlands a Postmodern Garden on the Polder
摘要 数个世纪以来,国小民寡的荷兰创造了令世人瞩目的文化奇迹。荷兰文化的能量源于一套"荷兰化"的成规系统,它以协商、妥协和宽容为主要特征。笔者从反对"文化进化论"的立场出发,围绕圩田模式、宽容传统和后现代等几个重要的文化现象,批判性地审视荷兰文化成规的成因、变迁及其双重影响。 The Netherlands, small as it is, has created amazing cultural miracles. Its cultural energy springs from a “Dutchified” system of conventions, marked by negotiations, comprises, and tolerance. Departing from the position against “cultural evolutionism”, this thesis treats of such cultural phenomena as polder mode, a tradition of tolerance, and postmodern value in the hope of defining the causes and vicisstitudes of Dutch cultural conventions as well as their double impact.
作者 张晓红
出处 《深圳大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第3期5-10,共6页 Journal of Shenzhen University:Humanities & Social Sciences
关键词 文化 成规 圩田 宽容 后现代 文化进化论 culture convention polder tolerance postmodern cultural evolutionism
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