
西藏高原沙漠化研究中的问题和建议 被引量:4

Problems and suggestions in research on aeolian desertification in Tibetan Plateau
摘要 西藏高原是我国沙漠化灾害严重的地区之一,近年来该区沙漠化的调查和研究得到了国内外许多学者的关注,并取得了一系列可喜的成果。文中对近年来西藏高原沙漠化研究进展进行系统的概括,并对目前高寒沙漠化研究的不足和争议进行总结,最后提出了5条建议。 Tibetan Plateau is one of the strong desertification regions in China. In recent years, the problem of aeolian desertification is more and more concerned by scholars all over the world, and some results have been reached. Based on brief review of the studies and results on .aeolian desertification in Tibetan Plateau, the main progresses are summarized: (1)Important progress have been achieved in research on basic theory, of desertifica plateau. clearly investigat plateau, the to on the analysis For example, the area, type, distribution and damages of desert in Tibetan Plateau have been ed. Then according to the regional differentiation laws and features of desertified lands of the desertified lands of the plateau are divided into several desertification zones. And then based both natural and human factors of different desertified lands in Tibetan Plateau, the concept of multiple and regional causes of sandy desertification is given. (2)Some new techniques are introduced into the study of aeolian desertification and its modern processes in Tibetan Plateau. (3)The status of aeolian desertification disaster in engineering has been studied and some applying techniques to combat aeolian desertification has been brought forward. However, there are still some important problems to be studied further. For example, lack of basic data, spreading around of the studied lands, the disputation of freeze - thaw desertification, the problem of desertification in desert regions of Qinghai - Tibet Railway and the difficulty of spreading control techniques. Finally, the author also puts forward five suggestions for future research in this paper.
出处 《干旱区资源与环境》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第7期65-70,共6页 Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment
基金 青年科学基金项目(206010)资助
关键词 西藏高原 沙漠化 研究进展 主要问题 Tibetan Plateau aeolian desertification research progress main problem
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