
基于小波游程编码的改进算法 被引量:2

A Modified Run Length Encoding Algorithm based on Wavelet
摘要 提出一种基于小波和数学形态学的自适应游程编码的改进算法。与其他优秀的小波图像编码算法一样,自适应游程编码是一种对小波域经数学形态学处理得到的小波显著系数的有效编码方式。图像小波分解,经数学形态学膨胀处理后,位平面将出现大量极长的连"0",利用游程编码将是非常有效的。改进的自适应游程编码算法最突出的新特点是其可以将原始比特流转换成码长的二进制编码。实验结果表明,当连续码流相等的情况下,改进的算法可以有效减少编码长度。 In this paper, we proposed a modified adaptive run length encoding algorithm based on a wavelet transform with mathematical morpholog. Similar to some of state-of-the-art wavelet image coding algorithms, adaptive run length encoding algorithm can encode images efficiently by exploiting the significant wavelet coefficient based on morphological operators in the wavelet domain. By utilizing morphological dilation,a mass of long series "0" code stream appearing in the bit-plane ,adaptive run length encoding algorithm can encode images efficiently. A salient new feature of the modified adaptive run length erieoding algorithm is that the original bit-steam is transformed the original code length binary encode. Experimental results show that the modified algorithm can efficiently reduce the length of code when the series code stream have the same long.
机构地区 西南科技大学
出处 《火力与指挥控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期4-6,共3页 Fire Control & Command Control
基金 国家自然科学基金(60371017) 四川省教育厅青年基金资助项目(2005B033)
关键词 小波变换 数学形态学 游程编码 位平面 wavelet transform, mathematical morpholog,adaptive run length encoding,bit-plane
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