
辽宁绒山羊繁殖性状遗传参数的研究 被引量:6

Study on the Genetic Parameter of Reproductive Traits of Liaoning Cashmere Goat
摘要 本文应用EXCEL2004软件和SAS6.12软件对辽宁绒山羊繁殖性状进行统计和分析,结果为:辽宁绒山羊的产羔数、产活羔数、断奶只数、断奶窝重、初生窝重、初生个体重、断奶个体重等主要繁殖性状的遗传力分别为0.147、0.126、0.182、0.250、0.318、0.384、0.369,说明除产羔数、产活羔数、断奶只数外,其他性状均属中等遗传力;繁殖性状中,产羔数、产活羔数、断奶只数、初生窝重、断奶窝重等性状的表型相关和遗传相关均为强正相关,窝性状与个体性状呈负遗传相关;初生个体重、断奶个体重与其他5个性状间呈弱正相关或弱负相关。 The reproductive traits of Liaoning Cashmere Goat were statisticed and analyzed by EXCEL 2004 and SAS 6. 12. The results indicated:The heritability of the main reproductive traits of Liaoning Cashmere Goat, total number of lambs born, the number of lambs born allye.number of weaned lambs, litter weight at weaning.litter weight at birth birth weight and weight at weaning respectively were 0.147,0.126,0.182,0.250,0.318,0.384and 0.369.The finding indicated that excluding total number of lambs born. the number of iambs born alive and number of weaned lambs.majority reproductive traits had moderate heritability. The phenotypic correlation and the genetic correlations were hadro-positive correlation among total number of lambs born the number of lambs born alive, number of weaned lambs, litter weight at weaning and litter weight at birth.Traits of litter were negative correlation to individuality traits.Birth weight and weight at weaning respectively were lepto positive correlation or lepto negative correlation to other five traits.
出处 《现代畜牧兽医》 2009年第6期31-33,共3页 Modern Journal of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine
关键词 辽宁绒山羊 繁殖性状 遗传参数 Liaoning Cashmere Goat Reproductive traits Genetic parameter
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