
苹果幼树日光合特性与环境因子数量化关系的研究 被引量:3

The Study of Quantity Relation between Diurnal Variation of photosynthetic Efficiency and Enviromental Factors in Young Apple
摘要 本文揭示了苹果幼树蒸腾强度(E)与净光合效率间(PN)的高显著相关性,并由此引出净光合效率与周围环境因子,包括太阳有效辐射量(PAR),大气温度(TA),大气相对湿度(RH)及大气CO2浓度(CO2A)的数量化关系为,PN=-25.4931+0.1918TA-0.0163RH+0.0584C02A+0.0068PAR,所有引入参数至少在0.015水平F检验显著。这项工作为果树生态区域化及受控生态系统中的生理学问题提供了有效的理论依据。 Highly significant correlation between evaporation intensity and net photosyntheic effi- ciency (PN) is revealed here , and a quantity relationship between PN and enviromental factors (including sun effective radiation quantity (PAR ) , air temperature ( TA ) , air relative humidity (RH) and air CO2 concentration) is PN=-25. 4931+0. 1918TA-0. 0163 RH+0. 0585CO2A + 0. 0068PAR. All parameters drawed are significant by F testing at least at the 0. 015 level. The study provids necessary proofs of theory for dividing suitable area for friut trees growth acor- rding to ecosystem and studying physiological science about ecosytem system controled.
出处 《北京农学院学报》 1998年第2期15-19,共5页 Journal of Beijing University of Agriculture
关键词 光合特性 环境因子 模型 苹果 Photosyntheic , efficiency enviromental factors , modle fruit trees
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