
微波渗糖工艺对圣女果果脯品质的影响 被引量:7

Effect of Sugar Permeability Technique by Microwave on Quality of Preserved Small Tomato
摘要 [目的]研究微波渗糖工艺对圣女果果脯品质的影响。[方法]比较了传统煮制和微波渗糖2种工艺对圣女果果脯品质的影响,并通过正交试验寻求硬化及微波渗糖工艺的最优组合。[结果]在微波30min和浸糖30min条件下,微波渗糖果脯的含糖量和干燥率比传统煮制的分别提高34.32%和26.90%;渗糖1h内,微波渗糖果脯合糖量高出传统渗糖0.6-1.8倍;在360w、渗糖10min、间隔冷却10min、渗糖3次的微波渗糖条件下,其果脯形态保持最好,果坯渗糖量达32.42%,比传统煮制的高34.47%-79.12%:微波30min。果坯渗糖量约为32.00%。由正交试验得出的硬化及微波渗糖工艺最优组合为:δ-葡萄糖酸内酯浓度4.00%,硬化时间5h,微波渗糖25min,可得到饱满完整、甜酸适宜和颜色鲜艳的圣女果果脯。[结论]微波渗糖工艺可提高圣女果果脯的渗透率及饱满度。 [ Objective ] The study aimed to research the effect of permeating sugar permeability technique by microwave on quality of preserved small tomato. [ Method ] The effects of 2 sugar permeability techniques by microwave and by traditional cooking were compared and the optimum combination for hardening treatment and sugar permeability technique by microwaves was screened through orthogonal experiment. [Result] Under the condition of microwaves for 30 rain and dipping sugar for 30 min, the sugar content and drying rate of preserved small to-mato treated by sugar permeability by microwave were 34.32% and 26.90% resp. higher than that with sugar permeability by traditional cooking. Under the condition of sugar permeability for 1 h, the sugar content of preserved small tomato treated with microwave was 0.6 - 1.8 times higher than that with the traditional ones. Under the condition of the microwave power at 360 W, sugar permeability for 10 rain, interval cooling for 10 min and sugar permeability by microwave for three times, the preserved small tomato had best shape and the maximal sugar permea- bility rate, up to 32.42% , being 34.47% - 79.12% higher than that with the traditional ones. Sugar permeability rate was about 32.00% after microwave 30 min. The optimum combination for hardening treatment and sugar permeability technique by microwaves was'obtained through orthogonal experiment as follows: glucolaetone conch, of 4.00% , hardening time of 5 h, sugar permeability by microwave for 25 rain, under which, the preserved small tomato could be in full plumpness, proper sweet and sour, and vivid colors.[Conclusion] Using sugar permeability technique by microwaves could increase the permeability and plumpness.
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2009年第18期8684-8687,共4页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
关键词 圣女果脯 硬化剂 微波渗糖 Preserved small tomato Harden treatment Sugar permeability by microwaves
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