
高科技产业创业网络、绩效与环境研究:国家级软件园的分析 被引量:23

An Empirical Study of High-tech Industrial Entrepreneurial Networks,Performance and Environment:Analysis of National Software Parks
摘要 本文以国家级软件园为研究对象,从软件产业创业网络对绩效的作用机制入手,通过环境调节效应的分析,系统探讨网络和环境对软件产业经济绩效和创新绩效的影响机理。研究发现,网络中心化特征显著影响软件园的经济绩效,创业网络有助于提高软件园的创新能力;环境对软件园经济绩效和创新绩效的影响机制不同,对经济绩效影响显著的是生活质量,对创新绩效影响显著的是技术供给;经济环境和技术供给正向调节了小集团网络特征对创新绩效的影响。 The information industry is one of the most strategic industries in China, with software at its core. Developing the software industry is crucial to enhancing independent Chinese innovation, especially during the current financial crisis. This study focuses on national software parks, (the representatives of the Chinese software industry), and analyzes the effects of industrial entrepreneurial networks on software performance, with the industrial environments acting as moderators. After screening all the national software parks, 16 parks were selected as the most representative sample. The results show that the centralization of entrepreneurial networks, (i.e. large-firm-centered networks), significantly improve economic performance. The development of cliques in entrepreneurial networks, (i.e. software alliance networks), however, is not significant for economic performance. This means that the two network characteristics have different roles in improving the park's performance. Furthermore, both entrepreneurial network characteristics have a positive impact on innovation performance. The effects of environments, quality of life, local GDP, industrial policy and supply of technology on economic and innovation performance are caused by different factors. Economic performance was significantly affected by quality of life, while innovation performance by the supply of technology, which means that the administrative agencies where software parks are located should emphasize improving the comfort of software workers, (housing quality, hygienic conditions, traffic, education, security and culture etc.,) and advance the quality and quantity of the supply of technology, (software colleges as well as educated software students). The study also found that the economic and technological environments are positive moderators to the relationship between the cliques-characteristics and innovative performance, meaning better economic performance and technology supplies can be helpful to strengthen the software alliances in software parks to improve innovation. Finally, this paper system-atically generalizes the main findings of this study, explores their theoretical and practical significance, and points out limitations and areas for further research.
出处 《南开管理评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第3期84-93,共10页 Nankai Business Review
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(70732001) 教育部博士学科点专项基金项目(20060335127)资助
关键词 产业创业网络 产业绩效 产业环境 软件园 Industrial Entrepreneurial Network Industrial Performance Industrial Environment Software Park
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