
提升钢丝绳的选择与安装使用 被引量:4

Selection and installation and use of hoist wire rope
摘要 提出提升钢丝绳的选择原则。介绍提升钢丝绳安装的5种方法:绳夹(带套环)法、金属套管固接法、合金或树脂熔铸固接法、楔形接头法、压板固定法。提升钢丝绳安装时应注意:缠绕方向由钢丝绳捻向和引出方位决定;绳索偏角应控制在0.5°~2.5°;卷筒、滑轮的轮槽直径最少应比钢丝绳的公称直径大5%,一般应控制在5%~10%。新钢丝绳使用时应注意磨合期,使用中注意添加润滑油脂、避免反向弯曲和扭结,反向弯曲钢丝绳的使用寿命比同向弯曲低约50%,钢丝绳扭结会使钢丝绳的破断拉力损失约50%。 The selection principle of hoist wire rope is put forward. Five kinds of fixing wire rope are introduced : rope nip (strap ringer) method, metal cannula fixup method, alloy or resin melt fixup method, cuniform tie-in method and press board fastness method. Matters needing to pay attention as wire rope fixed are:enwinding direction to be decided according to the lay orientation of wire rope and eliciting position; rope leaning angle is controlled from 0.5 degree to 2.5 degree; rope groove diameter on wheel or pulley is at least 5% bigger than normal diameter of rope, general is controlled from 5% to 10%. When new wire rope is used, the running in period should pay attention, and pay attention to lubricate during rope using, avoid reverse bending or kink. The service life of reverse bend wire rope decreases 50% contrast to the same direction bend, wire rope kink make its breaking force loss about 50%.
作者 阮运强
出处 《金属制品》 2009年第3期52-56,共5页 Metal Products
关键词 提升钢丝绳 钢丝绳安装 滑轮直径 疲劳寿命 hoist wire rope wire rope installation pulley diameter fatigue life
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