
基于雷电定位系统的电网防雷研究 被引量:12

Lightning protection research of power network based on lightning location system
摘要 传统的雷电地域分布采用雷电日(雷暴日)的概念,但所有可听雷声中云间雷占有一定比例,而只有地面落雷密度才对电网防雷有影响。从高级调度中心的建设需求出发,根据雷电定位系统统计数据计算出地区落雷密度,从而使华东地区线路跳闸率计算方法更精确,可供防雷的分析研究参考。 Traditionally the lightning geographical distribution is characterized by thunderstorm day. However the cloud-to-ground lightning flashes and the flashes over the cloud layers account for different proportion of the total audible strikes and in case of the lightning protection problem, the density of cloud-to-earth lightning flashes is of more significance. The author computed the regional density of the cloud-to-earth lightning flashes based on the lightning location system and calculated the trip-out rate of the transmission lines. The result is helpful to the further research in lightning protection.
作者 季皓
出处 《华东电力》 北大核心 2009年第6期978-981,共4页 East China Electric Power
关键词 500KV线路 防雷 雷电定位系统 落雷密度 500 kV lines lightning protection lightning location system lightning flashes density
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