
盐雾环境下混凝土中氯离子侵蚀加速试验的综述 被引量:13

Analysis of Accelerated Chloride Penetration Tests for Concrete in Salt-Fog Environment
摘要 盐雾环境下,氯离子侵蚀是混凝土结构耐久性退化的主要原因。在简述混凝土中氯离子侵蚀机理的基础上,分析了实际盐雾环境的形成、特征参数以及相应的影响因素。通过我国沿海地区的环境温湿度与盐雾加速试验设备控制参数进行的比较,发现现有盐雾箱加速试验规范参数变化范围小,不能有效模拟真实盐雾环境下混凝土中氯离子侵蚀规律,应对现有的盐雾箱试验设备进行改进,通过变化环境参数开展混凝土中盐雾侵蚀加速试验的相似性研究。 Chloride ingress is the main reason for durability deterioration of reinforced concrete structures in salt-fog environment. Mechanism of reinforcement corrosion induced by chloride penetration in concrete was briefly introduced, then characteristic parameters and the corresponding influencing factors of salt-fog environment were discussed. Experimental parameters of standard accelerated tests in salt-fog chambers were compared with the investigated values in natural marine atmospheric environment in China. It was pointed out that current accelerated salt-fog tests of concrete can not be used to simulate chloride penetration in concrete in actual slat-fog environment because of small varying range of environmental parameters. So the equipment of slat-fog chamber should be improved and similarity criterions for accelerated fog-salt tests in terms of salt-fog content, temperature, relative humidity and ingress period should be obtained by changing environment parameters in salt-fog chamber.
出处 《结构工程师》 2009年第3期144-149,共6页 Structural Engineers
基金 国家高科技研究发展计划(863计划)课题(2006AA04Z415)
关键词 混凝土 盐雾环境 氯离子侵蚀 加速试验 concrete, sah-fog environment, chloride penetration, accelerated test
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