
果蔬装载方式对处理帐内1-MCP浓度的影响 被引量:1

Effect of loading method of fruits and vegetables on 1-MCP concentration in sealing plastic tent
摘要 为指导贮前1-甲基环丙烯(1-MCP)处理时帐内果蔬合理的堆装,该文以南果梨、久保桃为试材,研究在1m3小塑料密闭帐内不同装载量(空帐、满帐、半帐)、不同装载容器(纸箱、塑料周转箱)及加设风机对帐内1-MCP浓度的影响。结果表明:1-MCP在密闭4h时气体释放量达到最大3.775μL/L;处理过程中满帐装果的帐内1-MCP的浓度要高于半帐;使用塑料周转箱盛果的帐内1-MCP的有效浓度要明显高于使用纸箱;加设风机的帐内1-MCP的浓度要高于不加设风机,加设风机有利于1-MCP气体在帐内的均匀释放。 To guide the reasonable stack of fruits and vegetables in sealing plastic tent before storage, effects of different loading volumes (empty, full-tent and half-tent ), different loading containers (cartons, plastic boxes) and addition of fan in treated tent on 1-MCP concentration were studied using Nanguo pear and Jiubao peach as materials. The results showed that the maximum release quantity of 1-MCP was 3.775 μL/L in four hours under the airtight environment. The concentration of 1-MCP in the full-tent was higher than that in the half-tent. The concentration of 1-MCP in tent with plastic boxes as loading container was evidently higher than that with cartons. The concentration of 1-MCP in tent with the fan was higher than that without the fan. Addition of the fan was in favor of the uniform release of 1-MCP.
出处 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期249-252,共4页 Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
基金 国家科技支撑项目“生鲜农产品现代物流保鲜技术研究”资助(2006BAD30B01)
关键词 水果 通风 装载 1-甲基环丙烯 南果梨 久保桃 fruits, ventilation, loading, 1-methylcyclopropene, Nanguo pear, Jiubao peach
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