お survey on the nutritional status of iodine in the 189 frosh of preventive medical department in Guangdong pharmacy college was carried out.The urinary iodine and the serum thyroxine (T4) were determined.Meanwhile,an investigation about the iodine nutrition was carried out with an asking paper.Comparing the urinary iodine and thyroxine(T4) of the students who come from coastal city,coastal countryside,inland city and inland countryside,we expect to estimate the iodine nutritional status in all popualtions of Guangdong.The median of urinary iodine is 344.50μg/L and the proportion of students with urianry iodine less that 100μg/L is 12.14%.The ratio of the students from coastal city whose urinary iodine is <100μg/L is significantly higher than that from other places (χ2=7.94,P<0.05).The serum thyroxine (T4) level is 107.93±51.34nmol/L(x±s).There are 82.8% students in the recommended range 54 ̄174nmol/L.The asking paper results indicate that consumption of sea foods in inland areas is less than costal areas except kelp and laver (χ2=10.65,P<0.01).There are 77.99% families consumed the iodine fortified salt,but coastal areas (69.6%) are less than inland areas (90.5%).Of total frosh,3.83% students had been treated with iodine preparation.
Chinese Jouranl of Endemiology