
“发展-安全关联”:中美欧对非政策比较 被引量:29

"Development-Security Nexus":the African Policies of China,EU and USA
摘要 冷战结束后,尤其是"9.11"事件后,发展与安全之间的相互依赖日益深化,发展政策的安全化与安全政策的发展化的趋势日益明显,西方学者就此提出了"发展-安全关联"概念,并逐渐普及。出于对中非关系快速发展的复杂反应,以美欧为代表的西方国家开始利用"发展-安全关联"政策对中国施压,要求与中国就非洲问题展开合作。与此同时,中非关系的快速发展也使得从"发展-安全关联"视角思考中美欧对非政策的潜在冲突和协作空间成为必要。中国更强调发展与安全并行的对非政策;而欧盟的对非政策正处于从发展政策为主导向安全政策为主导的过渡时期;美国则强化了其以安全政策为主导的对非政策。不同的政策方法可能导致中美欧未来在非洲政策上更多的冲突,但同时也提示了更大的协作空间,继而为中非关系和中美欧关系提供新的增长点。 After the end of the Cold War,and especially after the '9·11' event,there exists a tendency of increasingly deepening interdependence between development and security,embodied in the securitization of development and developmentalization of security. Thus,the concept of 'development-security nexus' has been given birth and become widespread. Deeply concerned about the Sino-African relations,the western countries begin to make use of the 'development-security nexus' concept as a means to pressure China to cooperate with them on issues related to Africa. At the same time,the rapid development of Sino-African relationship also calls for Chinese policy-makers and researchers to explore the potentials of both conflict and coordination among China,USA and EU on African issues from the perspective of 'development-security nexus'. Generally speaking,China pursues a policy emphasizing both development and security,the EU is undergoing a transition of policy focus from development to security,while the USA has strengthened its focus on security in its African policy. Although the fact that different approaches exist as to the African policies of the three actors perhaps means the potential of more conflicts,it also implies more space for coordination as well,which could provide a new engine for both the Sino-African and for the China-USA-EU relations.
作者 张春
出处 《欧洲研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第3期68-90,共23页 Chinese Journal of European Studies
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