目的:观察准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术(laser in situ kera-tomileusis,LASIK)治疗近视散光的临床疗效。方法:应用鹰视准分子激光治疗系统对120例234眼近视散光进行LASIK手术治疗。随访12mo,比较手术前后的视力、屈光度、散光及其散光轴位的变化。结果:术后随访12mo,裸眼视力≥术前最佳矫正视力(BCVA)者108例213眼(91%),屈光度在±1.00D以内者112例222眼(94.8%),散光残留平均为-0.52D。结论:LASIK治疗近视散光效果好,稳定性高,安全可靠。
AIM. To observe the effect of the laser in stiu kera- tomileusis (LASlK) on myopia and myopic astigmatism. METHODS: LASIK with Allegretto laser system was performed on 234 eyes of 120 patients with myopia and myopic astigmatism. All were followed up for 12 months. Visual acuity, refraction, astigmatism and axis of astig- matism were observed during each visit. RESULTS: There were 108 cases (213 eyes) whose visual acuity 12 months after surgery was better than the best corrected visual acuity, accounting for 91%. The refractive error after surgery was less than 1.00 in 222 eyes (94.8%). The average residual astigmatism was -0.52D. CONCLUSION: The correction of astigmatism with LASlK is accurate ,effective and safe.
International Eye Science