数字高程模型(DEM)是地理信息系统的一种基础数据。等高线地图作为生成DEM的重要的数据来源,具有十分重要的研究价值。文章以Visual C++为开发平台,以ArcGIS Engine为开发组件,建立了基于等高线矢量数据的三维真实感地形模型,结合实例开发分析每一个步骤的实现过程,并给出所生成的三维地形图实例。
Digital Hevation Model (DEM) is an important type of basic data in GIS. The contours map is an important data of DEM generation. It plays a more and more important role in surveying field and has a bright foreground in application. This paper introduces the process of generating three dimension realistic terrains by contour map data, and gives an example of generating three dimension realistic relief maps by contour data using ArcGIS Engine as developing components and Visual C + + as developing tools.
Journal of Henan University of Urban Construction