
初中政治课堂教学改革进程解析与思考 被引量:8

Analysis and Reflection on the Process of Class Teaching Reform on Political in Junior High School
摘要 建国以来,政治课历经了32次改革,仅1976年至今就有过十余次之多。最近几年,思想政治课突破"应试教育的包围"走进了"素质教育";考试制度突破"闭卷考试的包围"走进了开卷考试;课程改革突破"偏、难、繁、旧的包围"走进了新课程。尽管如此,政治课改革还不完善,素质教育仍有障碍,开卷考试存在弊端,新课程有不足,因此初中政治课堂教学必须"灌输"与"探究"相结合。 Since the founding of the political class through the reforms for 32 times,there had as many times as dozen in 1976. In recent years, the ideological and political class breakthrough "the exam oriented education" into the "quality educatiun";the examination system breakthrough in "closed book examination of the siege" to enter the open - book examination; Curriculum reform breakthrough "partial, difficult, complex, surrounded by the old" into the new curriculum. Nevertheless, the reform of the political class is not perfect. There are still obstacles for quality educatioh the existence of the drawbacks of open- book examination,the new course has shortcomings.So the political class teaching in junior high school should connect "educate" with "explore".
作者 杨波
出处 《教育与教学研究》 2009年第8期118-120,共3页 Education and Teaching Research
关键词 初中政治课 改革进程 解析 思考 Political class in junior high school the reform process analysis thinking
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