
水火电站群的混合优化模型 被引量:1

Optimized Mix Model of Hydro and Thermal Elecdric Plants
摘要 在水火电站群长期运行的研究中,讨论了一种适合于制定电力系统最优决策的混合优化模型。该模型将水火电站群作为一个整体统一研究,接近于实际系统,有一定的实用性,并大大地节省了计算时间和内存量。实例表明该模型是可行的。 In the research on longterm operation of hydro and thermal electric plant system,an optimized mix model adaptable to working out optimal decision of power system.This model investigates the hydro and thermal electric plants as a whole,approaches to actual system,has certain practicability and saves estimate time and internal storage.The case estimate shows that the model is feasible.
作者 罗洋涛 周云
出处 《水电站设计》 1998年第2期17-21,共5页 Design of Hydroelectric Power Station
关键词 电站群 优化调度 电力系统 水电站 火力发电 hydro and thermal plants,optimizing regulation,loadgeneration balance,mathematic model.
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