
扫描模式海杂波中目标的多重分形检测 被引量:7

Local Multifractal Characteristic of Sea Clutter in Radar Scanning Mode for Target Detection
摘要 主要研究雷达扫描模式下海杂波的局部多重分形特征以及多重分形理论在雷达目标检测中的应用。目前绝大多数研究都是建立在雷达工作在驻留模式基础上的,而当雷达工作在扫描模式时,由于采样点数不足,一般难以运用分形理论来解决目标检测问题。将多重分形理论应用到雷达周期扫描所得回波序列中,解决采样点不足的问题,并运用模糊集理论中模糊决策的方法进行目标检测。最后,采用X波段与S波段海杂波实测数据进行验证并分析其目标检测的性能,实验结果表明文中所提检测方法对海杂波和目标具有良好的分类能力。 This paper mainly studies the local multifractal characteristic of sea clutter in radar scanning mode as well as the application of multifractal theory in radar target detection. Up to the present, most researches in the field derive from the fact that radar works in staring mode. When radar works in scanning mode, it is very difficult to apply multifractal theory to radar target detection, because it is hard to obtain enough samples for calculation. In this paper, multifractal theory is applied to echo series obtained from radar scanning periodically, solving the problem of inadequate samples. Then, fuzzy decision in fuzzy sets theory is applied to radar target detection. In the end, the algorithm is verified by X-band and S-band real sea clutter and the performance of the algorithm is analyzed. The results show that the algorithm is effective to distinguish targets from sea clutter.
出处 《雷达科学与技术》 2009年第4期277-283,共7页 Radar Science and Technology
基金 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(No.NCET-05-0912) 国家自然科学基金(No.60672140 60802088)
关键词 扫描模式 海杂波 局部多重分形谱 目标检测 scanning mode sea clutter local multifractal spectrum target detection
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