
空中对水下平台激光声通信技术的探讨 被引量:12

An Opto-Acoustic Method for Communication between Aerial and Underwater Platforms
摘要 空中与水下目标间的通信是世界各国正在研究的一个重要但又未完全解决的问题,探讨了一种将激光通信信道、水声信道相结合的空中至水下平台的激光声通信模式,并研究了激光声通信特点及激光声信号的激发机理,建立了激光声通信实验测量系统,实验研究了激光声信号的强度、波形、频谱等特性。结论:激光-声通信模式可将空中光信道、水中声信道结合起来,具有强大的技术优势;调节激光参数可对通信的激光声信号进行控制。研究结果有助于激光声在海洋中的通信应用。 The communication between aerial and underwater objects is an important subject being studied by specialist of all over the world. The paper presents a new method to solve this problem with opto-acoustic technology, which combines laser communication channel with acoustic channel. The laser-based transmitter provides a versatile method for generating underwater sound. The acoustic pressure is linearly proportional to the laser power. We built up an experimental measurement system for the opto-acoustic communication, and made experiments for study on the strength, waveform, spectrum characteristics of opto-acoustic signals. We also studied the acoustic wave after optical breakdown in water with Nd:YAG laser pulses. The conclusion is that the opto-acoustic communication can combine the optical channel in the air with the acoustic channel underwater, which has great technical advantages. The opto-acoustic signal can be controlled by adjusting the parameters of the laser.
出处 《电光与控制》 北大核心 2009年第10期75-79,共5页 Electronics Optics & Control
基金 国防武器装备重点基金资助(9140A14060207JB11)
关键词 水下通信 激光声 光击穿 声信号 underwater communication laser-generated sound optical breakdown acoustic signal
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