
创伤后肘关节功能障碍康复训练的疗效观察 被引量:5

Rehabilitation Training of Posttraumatic Elbow Joint Dysfunction
摘要 目的探讨创伤后肘关节功能障碍的康复训练及疗效。方法2006年6月~2008年8月期间共收治创伤后肘关节功能障碍患者40例,42肘,给予康复训练以及手术介入治疗。康复训练包括肌力训练、关节活动范围训练、神经生理治疗技术、身体适应性训练等;手术介入包括肘关节辅助装置黏连松解,内固定物取出同时黏连松解,小切口有限肱二、三头肌松解术。结果42肘关节住院前均未接受康复训练,入院后30肘关节行康复训练,12肘关节手术治疗。平均肘关节活动度入院时0°~58°,肱二、三头肌肌力Ⅲ~Ⅳ级;出院时0°~135°,肱二、三头肌力V级,治疗前后肘关节功能相比较有统计学差异(P<0.01)。结论原始创伤处理不当和治疗后未行早期系统正规的康复训练是造成创伤后肘关节功能障碍不可忽视的原因,康复训练和适当的手术介入可取得良好的效果。 Objective To evaluate the rehabilitation training of posttraumatic elbow joint dysfunction and effects. Methods From June 2006 to Aug 2008, 40 patients(42 elbows) with posttraumatic elbow joint dysfunction were treated with conservative procedures including training of muscle strength,range of joint motion,proprioception or neuromuscular control,adaptive physical training,surgical interventions including Thompson's procedures,elbow aids adhesion release technique,improved Judet's technique,extra articular mini-invasive quadricepsplasty + intra articular arthrofibroticlysis, Ilizarov technique, etc. Results All of the 42 cases did not receive systematic rehabilitation therapy before admission,in which 30 cases received rehabilitation training and 12 received surgery.The average of the involved elbow motion was 0° -58° on admission, and 0° -135° . when they were discharged, with a significant difference(P〈 0.01 ). And all patients were followed up. Conclusion No ideal surgical treatment after trauma and no systematic rehabilitation therapy after surgery are the very important factors of post-traumatic elbow joint dysfunction. The rehabilitation training and appropriate surgical intervention have good effects.
出处 《中国现代医生》 2009年第26期38-40,共3页 China Modern Doctor
关键词 创伤 肘关节 功能障碍 康复训练 Trauma Elbow joint Dysfunction Excersise of rehabilitation
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