本文报道在上海进行玉带凤蝶Papilio Polytes L. 室内饲养和繁殖的初步研究结果,为上海地区全年提供公园观赏蝴蝶进行了探索。在自然光照情况下,室内温度26℃相对湿度66%,成虫饲喂蜂蜜溶液和甜橙汁液,幼虫寄生植物为柑桔树苗。玉带凤蝶成虫可在上述人工饲养条件下进行交尾、产卵;幼虫能在树枝和笼舍里正常生长发育并化蛹、羽化为下一代成虫,从而可以在秋冬季保证公园观赏蝴蝶的供应。
The present paper reports on the preliminary results of studies on the rearing and breeding of Papilio polyies L. conducted in Shanghai. This study aims at the supplying ornamental butterflies for the Shanghai gardens in the whole year. Under natural illumination and 26. 4C C R. H. 66% , when the adults fed on honey solution and orangeade and the larvae fed on the citrus nursery-stock, the adults may be copulation and oviposition normally, the larvae can also complete their development, and then the next generation adults may emerge after pupation. Based on above study results, it can be ensured that the ornamental butterflies may be provided for the gardens in the autumn and winter seasons.
White - bande swallowtal, Papiiio polytes .L
Rearing and breeding in the room
Ornamental butterflies