Objective To understand the influences factors of health examination behavior of mountain farmers, to explore the ways of promoting their active participation in physical examination. Methods Four hundred seventy - seven subjects ( from 100 families) were randomly enrolled by multi - stage method, to survey their awareness and action of physical examination and organize 2 10 -person panel interviews. Results 84. 91% (405/477) of residents thought that it was necessary to conduct routine annual physical examination, but only 1.26% (6/477) did last year; 83.65% (399/477) thought that they should, but had not done. The reasons for having not done physical examination were, in order, financial difficulties (including not be- ing able to or willing to bear the medical costs) , no time, poor quality of hospital services, inconvenient to go to hospital ( ineluding difficulty in walking or hospitals too far). The main conclusions of panel interviews were that 2/3 of the farmers who thought it unnecessary to do physical considered themselves in good health or without any discomfort, that about 1/3 expressed their fears about diseases being found or being infected when doing physical examination, and that most doctors participating interviews thought the qualities of current physical examinations were poor, and there was much to be improved. Conclusion Most community residents agree with the need for physical examination, but few put into practice. Villagers have not established the concept about knowledge→belief→action→effect.
Chinese General Practice
Physical examination
Examination will
Medical behavior
Influencing factors