
冲压成形仿真中的拼焊板坯剖分算法及应用 被引量:1

The application of the algorithm for tailor welded blank in the numerical simulation of sheet metal stamping
摘要 针对不规则焊缝拼焊板坯的初始网格剖分问题,提出了基于向前推进方法和模板思想的拼焊板坯网格剖分算法.该算法处理了在剖分过程中出现的畸形单元,保证了模拟计算的稳定性,同时区分了拼焊板坯的各个拼焊区域,便于定义材料属性和厚度信息.该算法适用于任意复杂曲线焊缝的拼焊板坯,并可与自主开发的基于动力显式增量算法的FASTAMP软件相集成.选取实际生产的汽车覆盖件进行成形模拟,其成形结果验证了拼焊板剖分算法的准确性和实用性. Aimed at the problem of the initial mesh generation for tailor welded blank in which the welding line is irregular,an algorithm for finite element mesh generation is presented for tailor welded blank,which is based on the advancing inciting and adjustment method and element templates.The algorithm improved abnormal elements which are generated in mesh generation,which the stability of computation is warranted,and differentiates these areas of the tailor welded blank,which is easy to define material property and thickness information. The algorithm can be used tor tailor welaed blank in which welded lines are curves, and it is integrated into the software FASTAMP which is based on dynamic explicit method, the simulation of a practical automobile body metal sheet is presented, the precision and the practicability of the algorithm for tailor welded blank are validated by the numerical results.
出处 《华中科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第10期81-84,共4页 Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家科技支撑计划资助项目(2006BAF01A43) 中国博士后科学基金资助项目(20080440930)
关键词 冲压成形 数值模拟 拼焊板 网格剖分 动力显式 sheet metal stamping numerical simulation tailor welded blank mesh generation dynamic explicit
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