在分析HSK主轴/刀柄联接锥面疲劳失效的各影响因素的基础上,利用有限元软件NX Nastran中的疲劳分析和计算功能,针对HSK63E型刀柄在主轴锥孔内反复拉紧和松开的工况进行了疲劳强度和疲劳安全因子的计算,仿真过程和计算结果可以为设计新型HSK刀柄的结构优化、选材和热处理工艺提供理论参考。
Based on various affecting factors of HSK spindle/toolholder interface' s fatigue failure, with the fatigue analysis and calculation functions of FEM software NX Nastran, the fatigue strength and fatigue safety factor were calculated according to the working condition of repeating tight and loosen HSK 63E toolholder from the spindle internal taper hole, the simulation procedure and results can offer a theoretical cousideration to structure optimizing, material selecting and heat treatment for designing new type HSK toolholder.
Tool Engineering