
学生体质健康测试网络平台的设计与实现 被引量:2

Design and Realization of the Network Platform System of the Students' Health Qualities Test
摘要 高等教育规模的不断扩大,综合性大学、学生人数多且校区分散,使得《标准》的实施与管理工作较为繁琐复杂。采用基于WEB的B/S结构,应用Visual C#.Net、SQL Server、ASP.Net等技术,设计开发简便、通用的学生体质健康测试网络平台,并对系统结构、功能和特点进行了阐述。经应用表明:系统功能完善,实用性强。 With the deepening of the reforms of the high education in the comprehensive universities, the number of students is large and campuses are separated, making the operation and management of stand- ards more complex. Basing on Web's Browser/Server System Structure, we apply such technologies as Visual C#. Net, SOL Server and Asp. Net, design the network platform system of the students health qualities test which is current and easy to operate. And we also expatiate on the structure, function and characteristic. The practice proves that the system is practical and operates with perfect functions.
作者 李平斌 李蓓
出处 《湖北体育科技》 2009年第4期378-379,377,共3页 Hubei Sports Science
基金 湖北省教育厅教学研究资助项目(2008034)
关键词 体质健康测试 网络平台 系统功能 B/S结构 health qualities test network platform function of system B/S structure
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