

Crack Propagation and Residual Strength of Composite Shear Panel
摘要 对剪切载荷下带中心裂纹层板的损伤情况、宏观裂纹的扩展及剩余强度问题进行了计算和分析,着重探讨了裂尖铺层的破坏形式、宏观裂纹扩展及剩余强度三者的特点及相互关系。对两种材料T300/648E和T300/QY8911进行了比较,发现裂纹的扩展不仅与铺层形式有关,还与材料有关,且有明显规律可循。另外,层板铺层不同,裂尖损伤的累积过程也不同。裂尖铺层的2向(垂直于纤维向)破坏和面内剪切破坏尤其是前者对层板的剩余强度影响较大。所得结论得到了实验的验证。 In this paper, the finite element method is used to estimate the crack propagation direction, the residual strength and the failure modes of the plies near the crack tip of the composite shear panel. Some experiments were done to compare with the finite element results. They are in good agreement. Certain relationships were found to exist between the residual strength and the failure modes of the plies near the crack tip. Among the failure modes, the 2direction tensional failure and the inplane shear failure, especially the firstmentioned one, show significant effect on the residual strength. Different layups make the laminates have different damage accumulation processes. Two P.R.C.types of laminates, T300/648E and T300/QY8911, were compared. The results show that, the crack propagation direction depends on not only the layup but also the material mechanical properties. The same tendency of crack propagation was found for the two types of the laminates.
机构地区 西北工业大学
出处 《西北工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1998年第3期377-381,共5页 Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University
关键词 剪切载荷 裂纹扩展 剩余强度 飞机 复合材料 shear load, crack propagation, residual strength, failure mode
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