
SPSS正交设计在福建金线莲组织培养中的应用 被引量:17

Application of SPSS orthogonal design in tissue culture of Anoectochilus roxburghii
摘要 目的:研究植物激素对福建金线莲茎尖与茎段生长及分化的影响。方法:选用福建金线莲的茎尖与茎段为材料,采用SPSS正交设计研究6-苄基腺嘌呤(6-BA)、萘乙酸(NAA)对茎尖的叶片数、茎节数、侧枝数、株高,茎段的侧枝数、茎节数等的影响,并用SPSS进行数据处理。结果与结论:首次报道了NAA对福建金线莲的促生长作用在低质量浓度(<1mg.L-1)和高质量浓度(>1mg·L-1)时各不相同。MS+NAA0.5mg·L-1+6-BA1mg·L-1最适宜福建金线莲茎尖的生长;MS+NAA1mg·L-1+6-BA2mg·L-1最适宜茎尖与茎段芽分化及侧枝形成。NAA与6-BA的不同浓度水平组合,对福建金线莲茎尖与茎段生长及分化的影响不同,两激素间存在着较强的交互效应。 Objective:To study the effect of the different constitutions of plant hormone on the development of Anoectochilus roxburghii. Method:A. roxburghii were harvested after having been cultured for 60 days. An orthogonal design was used to study the effect of NAA and 6-BA on the leaf number,eustipe number,lateral branch number of the stem tip and stem section,and the height of the stem tips. All of the data were processed by SPSS. Result and Conclusion:It is reported for the first time that NAA could make different development of A. roxburghii at low concentration (〈1 mg·L^-1) and high concentration (〉1 mg·L^-1). The optimum constitution of MS medium was NAA 0.5 mg·L^-1+6-BA 1 mg·L^-1 for the growth of the stem tip of A. roxburghii,and NAA 1 mg·L^-1 +6-BA 2 mg·L^-1 for the differentiation of bud and the formation of lateral branch of the stem section. The different concentrations of NAA and 6-BA had different effects on the growth and differentiation of the stem tip and the stem section of A. roxburghii.
出处 《中国中药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第20期2581-2585,共5页 China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica
关键词 SPSS 福建金线莲 组织培养 正交设计 植物激素 SPSS Anoectochilus roxburghii tissue culture orthogonal design plant hormone
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