
亚急性一氧化碳中毒致小鼠迟发性脑损伤模型的建立 被引量:9

An experimental model of delayed cerebral injury induced by subacute carbon monoxide intoxication in mice
摘要 本文报道了一种简便安全的亚急性一氧化碳(CO)中毒致迟发性学习记忆障碍的小鼠脑损伤模型。CO1ml/10g wt i.p,1/d,连续7天。跳台法被动性回避实验提示染毒小鼠出现学习损伤和记忆障碍;病理切片检查显示小鼠海马神经原细胞核固缩、细胞数目明显减少。结果表明本法具有定量可靠、方便,安全的优点。 The experimental model of delayed cerebral damage was established in mice via CO 1ml/10g wt i.p,once a day,continuously 7 days.In the test of the passive avoidance task,we investigated the impairment of learning and memory function after CO exposure and the delayed neuronal death in hippocampus of mice.The model is simple,reliable,and safe,It perhaps becomes an effective model for us to illustrate the mechanism of delayed injury induced by CO.
出处 《重庆医科大学学报》 CAS CSCD 1998年第4期332-335,共4页 Journal of Chongqing Medical University
关键词 亚急性 迟发性脑损伤 一氧化碳中毒 动物模型 CO cerebral injury learning and memory Model
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