本试验以绿豆为材料,用10%、20%、30%(W/V)的PEG-6000(聚乙二醇)浸种8 h,测定了绿豆萌发过程中下胚轴酚类物质、抗氧化活性的变化及PEG浸种对羟基(.OH)、超氧阴离子(O2.-)等自由基的清除作用。结果表明,总酚、类黄酮含量及抗氧化能力均随着发芽时间的延长而下降。但不同浓度PEG处理的绿豆下胚轴中酚类物质及抗氧化能力均高于对照,其中20%(W/V)浓度的PEG溶液处理效果最显著。
The mung bean seeds were soaked with 10%,20% and 30%(W/V)PEG for 8 hours,then the changes of phenols,antioxidant activity,and scavenging activities of hydroxyl radical and superoxide radical were studied.The results showed that the contents of total phenols and flavonoids and the antioxidant activity decreased during germination.PEG treatments increased the phenols content and antioxidant activity,and 20%(W/V)PEG treatment had the best effect.
Shandong Agricultural Sciences