
不同品质类型小麦品种植株氮素积累和运转特点 被引量:3

Characteristics of Nitrogen Accumulation and Translocation in Plants of Wheat Varieties with Different Qualities
摘要 为明确不同品质类型小麦品种各叶层氮素的积累和运转特点,2002—2003年在河北农业大学教学基地大田条件下,采用藁8901、石4185、河农341、河农859 4个不同品质类型的小麦品种,在对照(不施氮)、施氮(N 225 kg/hm2)、氮磷配合(N 225 kg/hm2+P2O5150 kg/hm2)3种施肥处理条件下进行了研究。结果表明:叶中的氮积累量在拔节期顶部1叶<2叶,2叶>3叶>4叶,在开花期为1叶>2叶>3叶>4叶。同一品种的同一叶层的氮输出量均为氮磷配合>施氮>对照,不同处理的相对贡献并无明显差异。与对照相比,"藁8901"的氮输出量在各品种中最高。在氮磷配合处理中,"藁8901"和"河农341"上部叶的氮转移能力较"石4185"和"河农859"强,说明通过氮磷配合施用来提高高蛋白小麦品种的产量和品质有其生理依据。 In order to clarify the characteristics of nitrogen accumulation and translocation in plants of wheat varieties with different qualities, a field experiment, including four varieties, Gao 8901, Shi 4185, Henong 341 and Henong 859, and three fertilizing levels, ek (0 fertilizer), N (N 225 kg/hm^2) and NP (N 225 kg/hm^2 + P205 150 kg/hm^2) , was conducted on the Teaching and Demonstration Farm of Agricultural University of Hebei during 2002--2003 winter wheat growing period. The results showed that, at jointing stage, nitrogen accumulation amounts in leaves were 1st 〈 2nd,2nd 〉 3rd 〉 4th leaf from top on the main stem, but 1st 〉 2nd 〉 3rd 〉 4th leaf from top at anthesis stage. Nitrogen translocation amount from the same leaf layers of the same cultivar was NP 〉 N 〉 ck for all cuhivars, but relative con- tribution to grain nitrogen had no significant difference among different fertilization treatments. Comparing with ck conditions, nitrogen translocation amount from vegetative organs of "Gao 8901" was the highest in the four cuhivars. Under NP treatment, nitrogen translocation amounts from top leaves of "Gao 8901" and "Henong 541" were higher than those of "Shi 4185" and "Henong 859". Those results demonstrated that increasing grain yields and qualities for high grain protein cuhivars by coordinating fertilization of nitrogen and phosphorus had physiological basis.
出处 《吉林农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期355-359,363,共6页 Journal of Jilin Agricultural University
基金 国家"粮食丰产科技工程"河北省课题(2004BA520A07 2006BAD02A08) 河北省教育厅科技计划项目(2001114) 河北农业大学"9816"重点科技计划项目
关键词 冬小麦 叶层 积累 运转 winter wheat leaf layer nitrogen accumulation translocation
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