
DDS在卫星导航信号仿真中的应用 被引量:5

Direct Digital Synthesis Applied in GNSS Signal Simulation
摘要 通过分析主流频率合成方法以及卫星导航信号仿真的需求和特点,选择了直接数字频率合成(Direct Digital Synthesis,DDS)作为卫星信号的合成方法,并且根据卫星信号仿真的具体要求,确定了DDS的设计参数。基于单路卫星信号合成的数学模型,给出了单颗卫星信号合成单元的结构。定量分析合成控制参数计算过程中引入量化误差所导致的合成误差,并给出了可行的补偿方法,最终解决了仿真卫星导航信号合成的工程实现问题。 After analyzing the popular methods of frequency synthesis and the requirements of GNSS signal simulation, the method of direct digital synthesis (DDS) is applied to generate the satellite signal. The design parameters of DDS are determined according to the specific synthesis requirements. Based on the mathematic model of single-channel GNSS signal synthesis, the architecture of synthesizing unit of individual satellite is designed. By quantitatively analyzing the errors of synthesizing brought by quantization in the processing of the control parameters, a viable compensating method is provided. Finally, the problems in applying DDS for GNSS signal simulation are solved.
出处 《无线电工程》 2009年第12期10-12,64,共4页 Radio Engineering
关键词 直接数字频率合成 卫星导航 信号仿真 direct digital synthesis satellites navigation signal simulation
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