
基于数据挖掘的CBR在数字化城市管理中的应用 被引量:2

The Application of CBR in Digitized Urban Management Based on Data Mining
摘要 目前,数字化城市管理在全国各大城市普及,数字化案例完成的好坏关系着数字化城市管理系统运行的效果。将CBR技术引入数字化城市管理系统,为数字化案例的处置提供决策帮助,可以较好的解决当前数字化城市管理中存在的一些问题。本文采用数据挖掘高效的建立CBR案例库,缩短了CBR系统的开发周期,提高了数字化城市管理系统的运行效果。 Recently, the digitized urban management has been extensively spread in various big cities all around China. The effect of the digitized urban management system tightly depends on the Digital Case to be performed. Introducing CBR into the digitized urban management system to provide some decision-making help for disposing digital cases is useful to solve some problems existing in the current digitized urban management. In this paper, the CBR case base is established efficiently to use data mining method. The performance of the digitized urban management has been greatly improved with in a shorter period for CBR establishment.
出处 《办公自动化(综合月刊)》 2009年第12期20-22,共3页 Office Informatization
关键词 数字城市 城市管理 基于案例的推理 数据挖掘 Digitized cities Urban management Case-Based Reasoning(CBR) Data mining
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