
玉米浆对林可链霉菌的代谢特性及形态的动态影响 被引量:2

Dynamic effects of corn steep liquor on metabolic characteristics and mycelium morphology of Streptomyces lincolnensis
摘要 菌丝形态的定量计算表明,添加玉米浆后,茵团核心面积、菌丝面积、圆形因子和边缘茵丝密度等形态学参数均呈上升趋势,菌丝形态得到明显改善,中后期和后期的平均比生长速率增大,茵体的维持代谢和次级代谢保持在较高较稳定水平,有效解决了中后期及后期林可链霉菌的比生长速率为负及林可霉素产量的增长幅度很小的问题。 The quantitative calculation of parameters on morphology indicated that after adding corn steep liquor(CSL), the core area of mycelium cluster, mycelial area, circularity and roughness were all in increasing trend; the state of mycelium was significantly improved; the specific growth rates(μ) of mid-late and later stage were increased. Thus the high maintenance and secondary metabolism of Streptomyces lincolnensis were achieved, and the problems that μ was negative and small increase rate of lincomycin production in later period were solved effectively.
出处 《工业微生物》 CAS CSCD 2009年第6期16-19,共4页 Industrial Microbiology
关键词 林可链霉菌 林可霉素 发酵 形态学 Streptomyces lincolnensis lincomycin fermentation morphology
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