

An audio information hiding method based on DCT
摘要 研究了一种将保密语音隐藏在公开载体语音中的信息隐藏算法。在对保密语音进行改进型多带激励(IMBE)编码后形成隐藏信息的基础上,对公开语音信号进行分段离散余弦变换,隐藏信息通过量化处理嵌入到DCT域的中频点;解码器在同样的嵌入点盲提取出隐藏信息,最后经IMBE解码恢复保密语音。仿真实验结果表明,该算法在隐藏信息后,信道中传输的公开语音具有透明性,并且在受到重新采样、压缩、滤波等攻击时具有较高的鲁棒性。 A novel information hiding algorithm for secret speech communication is proposed. First, IMBE (improved multi-bandexited) coding is used for secret speech, and the bits are arragned to form security speech.Then public speech is converted into segments and DCT (discrete cosine transform) is performed. The hiding bit is embedded in the intermediate frequency point of Discrete Consine Transform(DCT) by quantizing process. Detector extract the embedded information without the original digital audio signal,and recovers security speech by IMBE decoder. Emulational experiment results show the speech which is embedded with information has transparent feature,and algorithm is strongly robust to many attacks such as resampling, compression, filter and so on.
出处 《微计算机信息》 2009年第33期73-75,共3页 Control & Automation
关键词 离散余弦变换 语音 信息隐藏 改进型多带激励编码 盲提取 混沌序列 DCT Audio Information hiding IMBE Blind extracting Chaotic sequence
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