Clark and Chalmers have proposed a new explanation for the characteristics of cognition and mind by introducing the concept of 'the extended mind'. They believe that the external physical and the social environment constitute the subjects of human cognition and mind. Drawing on the essence of the thesis that 'cognition does not exist only in the mind' and 'the mind is extended into the outside world,' the two philosophers propose to blur the lines between the mind and the world. Clark and others have further turned this proposition into a research area under the title of 'extended cognition' in an attempt to achieve the integration of embodied and embedded cognition. This paper draws on the debates on this subject in Western academia to conduct an in-depth analysis of Clark and Chalmers' 'extended thesis.' The author further provides a list of reasons for challenging the thesis of 'the extended mind'. At the end of this paper,the author points out that there are some limitations if the thesis of 'extended mind' is taken as the starting point of an integrated cognitive science.
Social Sciences in China