
广州大学城大学生心理账户内隐结构模型建构 被引量:3

The Implicit Structure of Mental Accounting among Undergraduate Students of Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Center
摘要 以广州大学城10所高校220名学生为被试,参照中国人心理账户内隐结构模型建立广州大学城大学生的心理账户内隐结构模型。利用验证性因子分析对两模型分别进行验证和比较分析,结果表明:广州大学城的大学生的心理账户系统有一个"5-7-4"分类结构。中国人心理账户内隐结构模型适用于广州大学城的大学生,但大学生的心理账户仍具异于一般成人的特点。大学生心理账户结构模型的构建对探究大学生经济决策行为具有重要意义。 Mental accounting is a cognitive form of bookkeeping that individuals practice to keep track of expenses and control consumption. Mental accounts are often characterized as self-control devices that consumers employ to prevent excess spending and consumption. University students are at the age of 18-23 which is relatively young compared with aduhs. Students' living costs mainly depend on their parents' income. The consumer psychology of university students are different with other people. Researchers demonstrate that university students have a relatively stable mental accounting system which is classified into 5-7-4, that is, 5 income accounts (i.e. main income account, large extra income account, small extra income account, lending income account, loaning income account). 7 expense accounts (i.e. study expense account, meal expense account, mental expense account, dressing and amusement expense account, living expense account, zero-reward expense account, invest expense account ) and 4 save accounts (i.e. investment deposit account, amusement deposit account, study deposit account, anti-risk deposit account). Researchers have found that university students in HEMC spend a great amount of money on studying, entertainment as well as food consuming. On the basis of the Chinese Implicit Structure of Mental Accounting, researchers have built, examined and certified the implicit structure of mental accounting among undergraduates of Guangzhou Higher Education Mega City.
出处 《社会心理科学》 2009年第6期55-62,92,共9页 Science of Social Psychology
关键词 心理账户 建模 内隐结构 验证 Mental accounting Implicit structure Mental accounting system Structural equation model
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