

Cytokines in the experimental PVR model with multi surgical interventions
摘要 为观察多次玻璃体取样造成的手术干扰对炎性PVR模型早期炎源性细胞因子的含量变化的影响,及其与PVR形成时相的关系,采集由巨噬细胞诱发的兔眼PVR模型的玻璃体液和静脉血,用双抗体夹心法ELISA试剂盒,检测样本中肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)、白细胞介素-8和6(IL-8和IL-6)的含量,并进行多元回归拟合曲线分析。结果:玻璃体内TNF-α含量在巨噬细胞注入后7天上升,21天达峰值580pg/ml,至70天仍维持在222pg/ml高水平。IL-87天起迅速上升,至70天呈线性上升状态(494pg/ml)。IL-6在7~28天呈一高水平状态84~188pg/ml,21天达高峰374pg/ml。结论:TNF-α、IL-8和IL-6在本模型的炎症期和细胞增生期均呈明显的高水平,提示它们对眼内细胞增生和修复具有重要的启动和调控作用。也证实眼内局部较长时间、较高含量细胞因子可促进PVR形成的观点。 Purpose:To observe the levels of cytokines of TNF α,IL 8 and IL 6 in the early inflammatory stages of a rabbit PVR model induced by macrophages which was involved multi surgical interventions.Methods:The vitreous and venous blood of rabbit eyes of the PVR model were obtained and tested with ELISA kits of TNF α,IL 8,IL 6 and analysed statistically.Results:The TNF α level increased 7 day after macrophage injection and reached its peak (580pg/ml) on days 21,maintained its high level of 222pg/ml on 70th day IL 8 showed its linear increase from 7th day,reached to 494pg/ml at 70th day and IL 6 maintained its higher levels during 7 to 28 days.Conclusion:The 3 cytokines of TNF α,IL 8 and IL 6 presented their high levels in the early inflammatory stage and proliferative phase of the PVR model,indicating that these cytokines may play an important part in initiating and modulating the cellular proliferation.It also proved the presume that high level of cytokines in the local tissue for a longer period may initiate or stimulate the development of PVR and multi surgical interventions or damage of blood retinal barrier may play an important role in it.
出处 《中国实用眼科杂志》 CSCD 1998年第9期524-528,共5页 Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology
基金 国家自然科学基金
关键词 PVR 巨噬细胞 炎性细胞因子 视网膜病变 proliferative vitreoretinopathy macrophages cytokines TNF α IL 8 IL 6
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