Objective To investigate the effects of insulin resistance and insulin secretion on the development of diabetes mellitus in Chinese nondiabetics. Methods 409 cases of non diabetic Chinese, including 125 with normal glucose tolerance (NGT) and 284 with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) have been followed for six years for the incidence of diabetes since 1986. Subjects of IGT were involved in a life style intervention clinical trial. Insulin resistance index (IR)=FINS/22.5 e -lnFPG (FINS: fasting plasma insulin; FPG: fasting plasma glucose) and β cell function index (HBCI)=FINS×20/(FPG-3.5) in Homa model and the formulae insulin sensitivity index (IAI)=1/(FPG×FINS) and insulin secretion index (IS)=FINS/FPG were used as insulin resistance (or insulin sensitivity) and insulin secretion indices in the proportional hazard analysis . Results IR was positively and HBCI was negatively correlated with the development of non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) ( P <0.05, P <0.01). Other risk factors of NIDDM include body mass index (BMI) and 2 hour plasma glucose (PG2h) at baseline. Life style intervention was demonstrated as a protective factor and the effect of combination of diet and exercise was likely superior to that of diet or exercise alone. The results did not change, if the more simple indices, IAI=1/(FPG×FINS) and IS=FINS/FPG, in stead of IR and HBCI suggested in Homa model were used. Conclusion (1) Both IR and HBCI are predictors of NIDDM in Chinese non-diabetic population even with life style intervention, which had a remarkable effect on reducing the incidence of NIDDM. (2) Homa model indices of IR and HBCI might be taken as the tools in prospective population-based study. However, the more simple indices, 1/(FPG×FINS) and FINS/FPG were likely to be better alternatives of Homa model indices practically.
Chinese Journal of Internal Medicine
Diabetes mellitus, non insulin dependent Insulin resistance Insulin secretion