目前仅仅基于简单的延迟估算或者利用GPS的定位技术在室内环境下进行定位应用时,大多都会受到物理环境的限制,且各种方法的定位精度都有很大的差别,使得很难用单一的定位方法满足在室内环境下用户的定位需求。本文基于CDMA的蜂窝网,提出了混合匹配模式pCell(PM pCell)和基于泰勒级数展开的TDOA混合定位技术。该方法使用PM pCell算法估计用户初始位置,然后通过泰勒级数展开算法对TDOA方法进行迭代从而得到用户的坐标位置,提高了在室内GPS信号不理想情况下的定位精度,并且该方法不需要改变MS(mobile station)现有的硬件条件,因此易于实施并能够减小室内环境下的定位开销。
Nowadays just only depending on the simple delay estimates or using the GPS position technology to carry out location-based services is not very easy in the indoor environment. Because most of the position methods are restrained by their application surroundings and users demands of accuracy,so it s hard that using only one method to satisfy all people s demands. In this paper we proposed a new CDMA-based hybrid indoor location technique,it used PM pCell algorithm to estimate the initial user location,and then apply the Taylor series expansion algorithm to execute iteration for TDOA method to get the user's position. And this can improve the position accuracy where GPS is not satisfactory in the indoor environment. It does not need to change hardware of the existing MS (mobile station), therefore it is easy to implement and can reduce the spending.
Control & Automation