
超音速子母弹开舱后流场特性研究 被引量:6

Supersonic Flow Characteristics of Dispenser with Opened Cabin
摘要 用数值求解雷诺平均N-S方程的方法对超音速子母弹开舱后复杂外形的流场特性进行数值模拟.模拟结果与试验结果对比表明,采用S-A一方程湍流模型求解雷诺平均N-S方程,并以AUSM+作为离散格式的数值方法,可较细致地模拟开舱后弹体周围的定常绕流特性.对有攻角时流场结构进行分析,并对其流动机理进行探讨.发现开舱后在弹肩处的后向台阶有回流形成,横截面子弹弹体表面边界层分离使装配空隙内形成涡流并使弹体环向表面压力出现极小峰值,不规则的外形使尾流不对称.可为确定子弹抛撒初始条件提供参考. Supersonic flow characteristics of a dispenser with oponed cabin are numerically simulated with Reynolds-averaged Navier- Stokes equations. Computations are well consistent with experimental results. Flow characteristics are simulated well with S-A turbulent model and splitting scheme AUSM +. If attack angle is not zero, reverse flow is found at backward-facing step of head. Vortices are developed between adjacent submunitions. Several extremes of surface circumferential pressure are shown, and shell tail wave is not symmetric. The principle of flow field is revealed. Vital reference is provided for submunition initial conditions.
出处 《计算物理》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期51-58,共8页 Chinese Journal of Computational Physics
关键词 开舱 S-A模型 雷诺平均N-S方程 数值模拟 opening cabin S-A model Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations numerical simulation
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