
创新驱动过程的阶段特征及其对创新型城市建设的启示 被引量:61

The Characteristics of Innovation-Driven Phase and Revelation for Innovation City
摘要 实现创新驱动是我国城市发展长期面临的课题。借鉴世界创新型国家的发展历程,提出创新驱动阶段的进入条件,深入研究了创新驱动过程的规律,并就我国城市进入创新驱动阶段的战略路径进行了探讨。 The long-term problem for Chinese cities development is to change from investment-driven phase to innovation-driven phase. The paper reviews developed courses of different innovation counties or cities, and puts forwards conditions of entering innovation-driven phase, and analyses the various phases and their characteristics, and provides strategies for Chinese cities to enter innovation-driven phase, thus offers suggestions for advancing construction of innovation-driven city.
作者 夏天
出处 《科学学与科学技术管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期124-129,共6页 Science of Science and Management of S.& T.
关键词 创新驱动 阶段特征 创新过程 创新战略 innovation-driven phase characteristics innovative process innovative strategy
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