
东莞市基层领导干部艾滋病知识调查分析 被引量:1

Investigation of Aids Knowledge in Primary Official in Dongguan City
摘要 目的了解东莞市基层领导干部的艾滋病防治知识、流行趋势判断和策略态度,分析影响因素,为改进策略提供依据。方法采用统一的问卷,组织领导干部集中开展自答式匿名问卷调查。结果领导干部艾滋病防治知识的知晓率为77.6%,只有46.1%认为疫情严重,而且有继续扩散和蔓延的可能,11.9%建议成立1个艾滋病村,集中居住和管理,8.7%主张公布感染者的个人信息,防止别人被其感染。如果自己所处单位有人感染艾滋病,16.9%要求其以辞工、病退或内退等方式离开单位,16.4%认为公布其感染情况,并建议全单位进行一次健康筛查。结论东莞市基层领导干部艾滋病知识掌握程度较高,但某些领导干部防治态度和意识比较保守。今后应加强对领导干部的政策普及、政策开发、政策倡导。 Objective To perform a survey on the official of Dongguan city for their knowledge, prediction of epidemic trend and attitudes to the prevention and control strategy about HIV/AIDS. Mothods Anonymous self-reported questionnaire type survey was conducted among the primary officials. Results The awareness rate on HIV/ AIDS was 77.6%. 46.1% of the respondents agreed that the epidemic situation was extremely serious and the disease had the tendency of spreading out, 11.9% agreed to have a village for the AIDS patients for the controlling purpose, 8.7% indicated that personal information of the AIDS patients should be disclosed, 16.9% agreed on the termination of their job duty through resignation, early retirement or sick leave, and 16.4% supported on the health test of all the employees. Conclusion Most of the leading cadres at the county and citv levels in Dongguan had adequate knowledge. Some of the cadres are relatively conservative in the disease control and prevention. Therefore, policy dissemination and advocacy should be strengthened among the leading cadres.
出处 《热带医学杂志》 CAS 2010年第1期103-104,71,共3页 Journal of Tropical Medicine
关键词 领导干部 艾滋病知识 leading cadres AIDS related knowledge
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