地方依恋(Place attachment)是近十多年来国外环境心理学和游憩地理学研究的热点,旅游者地方依恋是旅游者与旅游地相互作用所产生的情感联结关系。通过设计测量量表并构建旅游者地方依恋对购物行为影响效应的结构方程模型,以屯溪老街为案例,研究结果表明:①旅游者地方依恋的两大构成维度—地方认同与地方依赖对旅游者购物动机、购物偏好、购物满意度及忠诚度均具有不同程度的正向影响,情感性依恋(地方认同)比功能性依赖(地方依赖)具有更为显著的影响效应;②地方认同对购物动机的影响效应最为显著(γ11=0.84),表明旅游者对具有地方象征性意义与本土化特色的屯溪老街的情感性依恋比对老街购物场所的功能性依赖更能刺激旅游者购物动机的形成;③地方依赖对购物偏好的影响效应并不显著(γ22=0.51),情感因素在旅游者购物偏好的形成过程中比功能因素起着更为重要的影响作用;④地方依赖对购物满意度的正向影响最为微弱(γ32=0.39),而对购物忠诚度有相对更显著的正向影响(γ42=0.47),增加旅游者的游览次数可以强化旅游者对老街的依恋情结。最后提出了相关措施,以期为保存历史街区旅游地旅游商品的地方性与特色性,增进人地情感联结关系,制定老街保护与商业发展的合理措施提供参考依据。
Place attachment has been one of research hotspots in the fields of environmental psychology and tourism geography in the recent decade. Place attachment is emotional ties between tourists and tourism destinations. The theory in regard to tourists' shopping behavior and place attachment is getting more and more attentions. However, the psychological and emotional aspects of tourists have not been paid sufficient attentions, particularly rare for a significant characteristic of 'local' of the historic district in empirical research cases. In the present work, the authors developed a structural equation model to quantify the effects of place attachment on tourists ' shopping behavior and applied it to Tunxi Old Street. Results showed that first, the two dimensions of tourist place attachment, i.e., local identity and local dependence, have varying degrees of positive effects on tourists' shopping motives, shopping preferences, shopping satisfaction and loyalty. It was found that affective attachment (local identity) has a more significant effect than does the functional dependence (local dependence). Second, the influence of the local identity on tourists' shopping motives is more profound than local dependence (γ11=0.84, γ12=0.69). This indicates that emotional attachment to Tunxi Old Streets for the sake of typical localization tends to stimulate tourists' shopping motivation more than does the functional attachment to shopping places around the old streets. Third, a sense of identity has a significantly positive effect on tourists' shopping preferences (γ21=0.66), but local dependence did not affect shopping preferences considerably. It was also found that the emotion factor plays a more fundamental role in the processes of the formation of tourist shopping preferences compared to the functional factor. Forth, local dependence showed the ieast positive effects on tourists' shopping satisfaction (γ32=0.39), whereas it has a more notable positive influence on shopping loyalty (γ42= 0.47). Increasing the number of tourists' visits would strengthen the tourists' attachment on Tunxi Old Street to some degree. In addition, certain measures were put forward for steady development of Tunxi Old Street, including strengthening local consciousness for place protection, strengthening protection and heritage of traditional appearance and local culture ingredients, preserving indigenous characteristics of local tourism commodities, which should maintain localization, specialization and diversity, establishing a kind of coordination mechanism among the 'users' living in blocks. To continuously promote sustainable development of economy in Tunxi Old Street and upgrade Tunxi Old Street' s functions, on the one hand, the service quality of shopkeepers should be improved and the exchange of thoughts and feeling between shopkeepers and tourists can be increased; on the other hand, the government is suggested to appropriately guide and standardize commercial development of Tunxi Old Street. Establishing certain commercial association consisting of government protection agencies and local communities would be a good option to shape an effective development mode which would promote commercial development and reserve its indigenous characteristics as well.
Resources Science
Place attachment
Shopping behavior
Tunxi Old Street