
分布式发电、微网与智能配电网的发展与挑战 被引量:855

Development and Challenges of Distributed Generation,the Micro-grid and Smart Distribution System
摘要 介绍了分布式发电、微网与智能配电网的基本概念和发展趋势,从分布式电源大规模接入的角度重点分析了分布式发电技术和微网技术对智能配电网的影响以及应重点关注的技术问题。分布式发电技术有助于充分利用各地丰富的清洁可再生能源,但分布式电源大规模的并网运行将会对电力系统的安全稳定和调度运行带来一定影响;微网技术通过不同层次的结构为各种分布式电源的并网运行提供接口,是发挥分布式电源效能的有效方式;智能配电网则可通过对微网的有效管理实现分布式电源的灵活接入与整个电力系统的安全、可靠、经济运行。最后,通过对三者的分析对实现智能配电网的思路与技术手段提出建议。 The basic concepts and development trend of distributed generation(DG),the micro-grid and smart distribution system are described.In particular,the influence of DG and micro-grid on the smart distribution system is analyzed from the point of view of the large-scale access of distributed energy resources.DG supplies users with green power from various locally available renewable energy resources,but large-scale interconnected operation of DG in the distribution system may give rise to security and operation problems.Micro-grid technology provides an interface to the interconnection of various DGs by means of structures at different levels,which is the most efficient way for the operation of DG.On the other hand,the smart distribution system makes it possible to realize flexible access to DG and safe,reliable,and optimal operation of the entire power system by effectively managing the micro-grids.Based on an analysis of the relationship between the three,suggestions about the idea and technical means are given for implementing the smart distribution system.
作者 王成山 李鹏
出处 《电力系统自动化》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期10-14,23,共6页 Automation of Electric Power Systems
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50595412 50625722) 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)资助项目(2009CB219700)~~
关键词 智能电网 分布式发电 微网 配电网 smart grid distributed generation(DG) micro-grid(MG) distribution network
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