
战术弹大迎角气动特性研究 被引量:3

A Research of Aerodynamic Characteristics for Tactical Missiles at High Angle of Attack
摘要 本文基于多种气动外形导弹的实验数据和分离涡理论的研究表明,具有短前弹身的组合体可以抑制低速雷诺数变化对气动力和压力中心的重大影响;除极小展弦比外,通常的翼身组合体对大迎角横向气动力特性具有“整流”的效应,它对控制有利;揭示了导致翼身组合“+”、“X”差别的机理,分析表明,引起差别的根源在于“+”、“X”分离涡对粘性升力的贡献不同。因此弹翼后掠角越大,展弦比越小,引起的差别也越大,大迎角实验数据的零点偏差应通过预置角来消除;小展弦翼身组合的气动曲线存在一非坐标零点的拐点,在该点处气动曲线的斜率最大,应选作实验误差分配的标准。 A research for experimental data and vortex theory based on five kinds of missile configurations shows that the combination body with short forebody can suppress the significant effects of Reynolds number on aerodynamic force and centre of pressure.Except for very low aspect ratio,the general wing body combination possesses an ability to “rectify” the lateral aerodynamic characteristics at high angles of attack,it is beneficial to control missile.A mechanism resulted in difference between “+” and “X” wing body combination is found,which shows that the source is viscous lift difference cased by separated vortices of “+” and “X” combinations,as a result,the larger is the sweepback or the lower is the aspect ratio of wing in combination,the larger is the difference.A zero point error about experimental data at high angles of attack is easy to cancel if a small corrective angle is used.There is a flexion point on aerodynamic curves for low aspect ratio wing body combination,where the slop of aerodynamic curves is largist of them,the aerodynamics relationship on that point should be chosen as a standard which is a requirment for correcting experiment error.
作者 林炳秋
出处 《空气动力学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 1998年第4期419-425,共7页 Acta Aerodynamica Sinica
关键词 大迎角 气动性能 实验数据误差 战术导弹 aerodynamics at high angle of attack corrective method of experimental data difference between “+” and “X” combination body
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