

AutoCAD and Excel-based hydraulic design of water-turbine
摘要 利用AutoCAD和Excel软件探讨实现水轮机水力设计的技术方法.传统的工程设计方法存在着重复的数据计算与绘图,工作量大、效率低,精度差和周期长的缺陷,若采用先进的设计方法,其性能还有进一步提升的空间.利用AutoCAD和Excel软件可以实现混流式转轮轴面流道、轴面流线和轴面截线的绘制,以及蜗壳的辅助水力设计等.该方法可以提高设计精度和水力模型的性能,缩短水力模型的开发时间,降低成本与设计人员的劳动强度. The technique of hydraulic design of Francis turbine was inquired into by using AutoCAD and Excel software. In the traditional engineering design methods there was repetitive data calculation and drawing with big workload, low efficiency and precision and long design cycle. If advanced design method was used a further enhancement of turbine performance might be reached. With the help of the software AutoCAD and Excel, the design of meridian flow passage, meridian flow lines and meridian sectional lines of the runner, and as well as the hydraulic design of the spiral casing were realized. This method was very significant to reduce the labor intensity of designers, to increase the design precision, to reduce hydraulic model development period, and to lower the design cost, also.
出处 《兰州理工大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第1期49-53,共5页 Journal of Lanzhou University of Technology
关键词 AUTOCAD EXCEL 混流式水轮机 水力设计 AutoCAD Excel Francis turbine hydraulic design
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